Friday, February 27, 2009


Structures and Patterns

What I love about reeds are their incredible interesting structures which make them different each day depending on the light...

Monday, February 23, 2009

Grasses on a sunny Day in November

I love grasses in all shapes and forms. These images were taken on a sunny day in November at the Isar canal...

Reminiscences of Grace

Reminiscences of another time - those are the grasses. Grasses are the graces of a garden - are often beautiful in their fragility, easily destroyed by wind and rain.
But they belong also to the first food the humans cultivated.

Thursday, February 19, 2009

Waiting for the Cherries...

It is the second half of February and we still have -8°C during the night. No sight of spring. Waiting desperately for these....

Sunday, February 15, 2009

More dreamy Stuff...

Can you smell it? Can you hear it? All that humming, buzzing. Can you feel the tickling at your nose when the pollen gets on your skin?

Saturday, February 14, 2009

Apple Tree Dreams....

I am afraid I cannot stop lamenting about our weather at the moment - snow snow snow coming down and not ending. But at usual it is not that dry white stuff with much sun shining from time to time but that ugly wet sh.. that creeps into your bones, your feet become wet and everything is hurting from that damn damp cold.

So I would like to stay under my blankets and dream the apple tree dream...