Sunday, August 31, 2008

Lost Treasures - a Silk Carving©

"Lost Treasures"
66" x 17", silk

This is not a natural bloom or blossom but a Silk Carving© about the natural treasures such as blooms and blossoms and trees that are lost in our world. Thus it is called "Lost Treasures" . Taking photos is a passion of mine (as you may have realized in the meanwhile) , but often "only" a tool that I use as pre-work for my main tasks as a painter, sculptor and textile artist. As such I try to set little reminders from time to time of our natural treasures which need to be preserved.

This Silk Carving is a bas-relief made from one single piece of silk, sculptured into a wall art piece in a technique that I invented. As a symbol for the many acres of rain forest that have been burned to ashes on our planet I added blackened pieces of cork. I also burned real holes into this piece (this was the scary part of the art work - after hundreds of hours of stitching and stuffing I did not want it to become a torch).

The piece belongs to a series about Hawaiian Symbols...

Here are a couple of detail photos: